Another week with Covid

Marcus took this photo of me in the Hastings hospital ED having the first of three litres of electrolyte pumped in over the next 48 hours.

Gill pointed out that I recorded the first drip being much later than it really was.We whizzed through the triage line in ED and I must have been on the drip in minutes; they were not taking any chances.

Ian Intravenous Drip on 15th January


Today I tested positive for Covid again. I had a RATS test an hour before I was discharged and that test showed a very weak positive and the doctor said it was sign of clearing up. However I took RATS test just as I was about to go over to Millvale House to see Karola, on 23rd January, and that was clearly positive. Previously the Hospital and Health Centre said 5 days to be clear, but make it 8 to be on the safe side. So I called Health Centre yesterday and said I’d tested positive again. Not to worry, just wear a mask was the advice from practice nurse making it sound as if it were not uncommon. I thought I’d just check with Millvale house before I set off but they said absolutely not, I was not to go. So I didn’t.

No sore throat now which was what caused the dehydration, but temperature going up and down throughout the day and night. Feeling more lethargic and lacking energy like when getting over flu but no headaches nor chest pains so, as Gill nags me daily, I’ll just take things slowly and expect to recover over next week to ten days. Plenty of MYLK meals and eating well. Chrissie brought me over a large jar of chicken soup which is going down a treat.

Hoping I’ve not given my re-Covid infection to others, especially Rosie who has serious underlying complications – I don’t want to lose my driver, she did the shopping for me on Tuesday.

Good news today was that I read in an email from Anna she’s going to be here for two months, April and May. She’s booked flights and an airBnB 5 mins away from Millvale House.

I’m seriously considering having cateract surgery later this year esp. if it make the videos on the TV less blurry and makes driving easier.

RATS Test Results


Oak Avenue Weather:__℃—__℃ no rain [?]

About Ian

I am a New Zealand and EC citizen, living and working in Hastings in the North Island of New Zealand. On March 5th in 2004 I retired from exactly 30 years with IBM UK Ltd, working in the Hursley software development lab near Winchester in the south of England. I am now an IBM Distinguished Engineer emeritus, working to my own agenda while retaining access to my colleagues and information inside IBM.
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