Coffee & Snack With Karola

Rosie took me over to Summerset Palms where I had a long briefing with Jodi who really is looking after Karola very well. I told Jodi we’d decided on Millvale House and I would be completing the admin for this straight away in the new year. Jodi was happy with that and said that a few days before the transfer she’d go to Millvale and do a handover of a profile of Karola and her medical/health situation.

Miss Brown was open so we went there for coffee and a bit of omelette – Karola ate a little bit. It was very windy getting to and ftom the car which Karola didn’t like – it made walking from place to place harder and I think she was a bit afraid of falling but we hung on tight so there was no actual danger of that. Karola is usong her walker with good dexterity now and doesn’t object to its use at all.

I was awake all night due to a sudden minot flare-up of gout; it wasn’t severe but just made its presence felt enough to stop me sleeping. The usual meds didn’t seem to make much difference. I did get to sleep shortly after 5:00am. Dozed until lunchtime.

Meanwhile keith came mid morning and tackled the fallen oak branches. He was using the old tractor to push the smaller branches away. The tractor developed an oil leak in the hydraulic system which Keith fixed by replacing three perished O-rings. He’s good at that sort of thing.

By the time Rosie and I returned Keith was pulling the very large branch down off the tree trunk; there are a couple of extra bark scars after that but they’ll heal and at least the fallen branches are no longer dangerous.

Keith showed me that the lawn on the south side of the big oak had risen, was now a distinct rise as the unbalalnced tree leaned to the north, towards the lawn between the cottage and the house. Now he pointed it out I too could see that the mighty oak had taken a serious list to the north. Marcus and I discussed and agreed with Keith that he should cut off three large lower branches from the north side and then see whether that stopped the sagging towards the lawn.

Rosie has been battling with a kidney infection and spent late afternoon in the emergency ward.

After feeding the chooks I moved the two chicks and broody hen with her remaining three eggs into the broody coop and gave them food and water.

Southern Side Of Big Oak Collapses



Marcus Awoke And Shot This Video

Oak Avenue Weather:__℃—__℃ no rain [?]

About Ian

I am a New Zealand and EC citizen, living and working in Hastings in the North Island of New Zealand. On March 5th in 2004 I retired from exactly 30 years with IBM UK Ltd, working in the Hursley software development lab near Winchester in the south of England. I am now an IBM Distinguished Engineer emeritus, working to my own agenda while retaining access to my colleagues and information inside IBM.
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