Rosie wasn’t available so Marcus kindly took me for my shopping. Afterwards we then went over to Tamatea and inspected Millvale House, the residential home there which is the other place taking level 4 dementia patients in Hawkes Bay, alternative to Colwyn House in Mahora. As expected there wasn’t a lot to distinguish them; about same distance to drivre to, rooms very similar although MillVale House initially has smalled hoses but by end of February will have rooms at lest as large as Colwyn and it’ll all be new. I wouldn’t choose to be in on of their rooms but then I’m not spending most of the day in the big dining rooms and just sleeping in the personal room.
Chrissie & Marcus invited me over to join their Christmas Eve dinner. Myself and 15 other people including Chrissie’s mum Cynthia (with Karola at Woodford), and may others on that side of the family. Delicious.
Oak Avenue Weather:__℃—__℃ no rain [?]