Mike Joy – Royal Society HB Lecture

I noticed the broody hen still sitting in her coup but the door was open. Turns out that Rosie said she’d left her nest and there was one dead chick so Rosie let her out. She was still sitting when I saw her so maybe went back to the remaining eggs.

Peter Offenberger came at 5:00pm and drove me over to Tamatea East Community Centre where Mike Joy gave a lecture to the Hawkes Bay branch of the NZ Royal Society about climate change. His thesis is that most of the “good actions” being taken by our government and others in New Zealand are delusions. The actions that reduce CO2 or provide sustainable energy are overshadowed by New Zealand’s annual increase in use of fossil fuels so we are not actually reducing our CO2 emissions at all. In addition, most of the allegedly sustainable means of producing energy or reducing emissions are in practice making smaller reductions than they cost in fossil fuels to create – EV cars for example. A bleak outlook but believable.

Oak Avenue Weather:__℃—__℃ no rain [?]

About Ian

I am a New Zealand and EC citizen, living and working in Hastings in the North Island of New Zealand. On March 5th in 2004 I retired from exactly 30 years with IBM UK Ltd, working in the Hursley software development lab near Winchester in the south of England. I am now an IBM Distinguished Engineer emeritus, working to my own agenda while retaining access to my colleagues and information inside IBM.
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