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Monthly Archives: June 2023
Last Day In June
Mark and I collected another trailer-load of gravel, this time “GAP40” or what used to be called “AP40” – cheap general gravel for filling in big potholes and the like. Mark spread it in the worst muddy depressions/puddles on the drive to the cattle-stop. He then fetched 20 – 30 “sleepers”, actually treated pine planks but thick ones, most about 2.4 metres long. These are for the bottom of the new chook run fence.
Before our short walk on the Ngaruroro stop-bank, going downstream from Carrick Road, we tracked down some meds – they ended up at the Stortford Lodge pharmacy – and I got reciprocating saw blades from Mitre-10.
I spent late afternoon once again measuring and trying to get a level line around the perimeter of the new chook run.
Bleak Winter’s Day – Walking With Bangle
Oak Avenue Weather:5.1℃—14.2℃ no rain [78.4] TdT eggs=0 Mark=4
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Leonie Comes And Cleans The Cottage
Mark caught a possum last night, except he didn’t because it was very cross and got away when Mark tried to get it out of the cage trap. He also checked on the sheep, the troughs, and the fences – all OK.
Mark and I went to Winstones on Omahu raod and got a cubic metre of gravel, “top course” they call it, and Mark filled in the muddy parts of the driveway nearest the cottage plus the ruts caused by Postie delivering mail to our roadside mail box.
Leonie came at 2:00pm and cleaned most of the cottage, a normal clean not a spring clean.Before that Karola, Bangle, and I went into town and I picked up two MYLK meals plus some fruit drinks and we went for a walk in the Tainui reserve off Tanner road in Havelock North.
Late afternoon I began my revised plan for the new chook run. Instead of burying the netting six inches into the ground I’m going to edge the perimeter with some of the old posts in the Stump Dump. It’s unlikely I’d use them for anything else and they are rot-proof, guaranteed for decades. This will keep the netting away from moisture where, eventually, even galvanised netting decays.
Oak Avenue Weather:1.4℃—16.9℃ 0.2mm rain [78.7] TdH eggs=0 Mark=4
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Friendship Club Talk
We were planning to attend the monthly Friendship Club meeting at 10:00am on a Wednesday which provides a morning tea and a sometimes interesting speaker. The members are retired people mainly from Havelock North. Karola’s primary school teacher, Margery Cobbe, widow aged 90+, has been the mainspring of this club all the time we’ve been here and Peter Offenberger, (Gill’s ex) was secretary for many years too.
So, despite getting up a bit earlier than usual and spruced up for the outing, we decided in the end not to go – the talk wasn’t really to our liking.
Rain has stopped for now and the ground is drying out nicely; lets hope it continues to stay fine for a few days. Sun is out and we celebrated with a long walk with Bangle at the Pakowhai Regional Park, managing to avoid the puddles and mud.
Oak Avenue Weather:3.8℃—15.7℃ no rain [78.3] TdP eggs=0 Mark=0
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Tuesday Shopping
The usual although in the afterrnoon rather than the morning this time. Also we did a detour to Arataki Honey and got some Rata Honey Hand Cream for Karola. Google took us a rather roundabout way to get there but in the end it made sense.
Oak Avenue Weather:6.1℃—16.6℃ 0.2mm rain [78.7] TdO eggs=0 Mark=0
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We Visit Jenny & Noel
As planned we drove over to Napier and Karola and Jenny had afternoon tea and chatted while i took Bangle for a 4km walk along the Napier Marine Parade – from Ocean Spa to the National Aquarium and back. I snagged a coffe from Ocean Spa’s Bach Shop café at the start.
Heavy rain began mid evening.
High Seas On Napier Marine Parade Waterfront
Thundering Surf
Post Gabrielle – Polution Still A Problem
Oak Avenue Weather:6.0℃—16.1℃ 23.4mm rain [78.6] TdM eggs=0 Mark=0
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Rain Eases
Slept and dozed much of the day, it’s winter and not very nice outside.
Ngaruroro River Brown And Angry After So Much Rain
Alleged Strengthening Of Stop Bank – Benching On The Landward Side?
As Above, But From Downstream
Oak Avenue Weather:8.0℃—15.4℃ 2.0mm rain [78.3] TdT eggs=0
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Clive Wetlands – Winter’s Day
Another rather dreary day so we eventually went outside late afternoon and Bangle and I walked along the cycle path atop the stop banks at Clive. It was not cold but definitely very overcast with very light rain, barely a mist, as we walked along the wetlands and ducked out to the ocean beach, towards the roaring waves.
Mouth Of Clive Estuary
Spoonbill Sub-Colony – Displaced From Tukituki River By Gabrielle
Five Chooks Tucked In Behind The Seawall
Angry Ocean – Looking Towards Cape Kidnappers
Oak Avenue Weather:__℃—__℃ no rain [78.4] TdC eggs=0
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The Rain It Raineth …
Rained almost constantly all night and today. Surface flooding everywhere but nothing special and so far no damage. Had trouble finding a dry spell for Bangle but late afternoon I gave her a short walk up into the orchard which must have relieved her. She is still sneezing and several times has quite violent bouts of 5 – 6 sneezes that make her bang her jaw on the floor. Poor Bangle. Good news is that Tux, from went the sneezing came, is now free of sneezes without needing any medication; so we shall be patient.
Slept all morning and, to Karola’s disgust, watched Netflix all afternoon. The six episodes in two series that I’ve just finished watching over two days are characterised by:
- the detective has an annoying soft voice
- lots of car chases
- quite a bit of blood-letting and bashings
- damn all chemistry between detective and his sweetheart
- lots of (to me) unexpected twists and turns but very little connection. Unlike a good Poirot etc when in hindsight you say to yourself “oh, now I see, that makes sense”
… and the series that I watched was …. “Young Wallander”
Cottage Lawn From Kitchen Verandah
Under Big Oak From Cottage Kitchen Window
North From Corner Of New Chook Run
Ha-Ha – Tree Is Blocking The Flow
Oak Avenue Weather:__℃—__℃ no rain [78.6]TdO eggs=0 Mark=0
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Hendery Visit
I changed the heat-pump thermostat temperatures today as even when showing it’d heated the cottage to 21℃ it felt cool to us, THe old temperatures were 21℃ daytime and 13℃ at night. The new temperatures are 24℃ during the day and 14℃ at night. Already it seems warmer.
Mid morning Jenny Hendery called and said they could pop round in the afternoon as Noel had some business in Hastings. I immediately TXTed Jen Talbot and cancelled Leonie’s planned visit – but as it was less than 24 hours notice I still pay for the afternoon.
It was a delight to see Jenny and she and Karola chatted animatedly for much of the afternoon. Jenny, as usual, came bearing gifts: a large jar of soup, a very nice cushion which I have appropriated for my “stressless” TV watching chair, and more.
More rain tonight nd more heavy rain forecast for tomorrow. No walk for Bangle today, not even to the gate for the paper this morning. Bangle is still having bouts of heavy sneezing.
Oak Avenue Weather:__℃—__℃ no rain [?] eggs=0 Mark=0
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Winter In The Wet
Supposed to dry off today, which it did until lunchtime then showers all afternoon.
Washed Bangle’s blanket from the back seat of the Zoe and it’s come out sparkling clean; dryer worked hard and blew out a lot of Bangle’s fur (see photo).
Hens seen relaxing underneath the chook house again. Sheep ignoring the showers. Still too wet and muddy for Bangle to have a decent walk, having been groomed. We went to Pakowhai Regional Park and got a reluctant Bangle out of the car but she took a short walk and asked to be taken home again.
Karola, on her knees, cleaned the cottage kitchen floor which had become covered in Bangle’s muddy footprints.
Dryer Lint Catcher After Drying Bangle’s Blanket
Oak Avenue Weather:4.5℃—13.8℃ 1.2mm rain [?] eggs=0 Mark=0
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Bangle Grooming Day
Bangle was due at Emma’s for her 5-weekly groom today; we left at 9:15am but the fog was very thick so reduced speed all the way there. So thick that I drove at under 50kph much of the way, rear fogs on, and had to concentrate to make out vehicles up ahead. By the time we’d done the week’s shopping, got the laundry in, and snagged a coffe and a sandwich, it was 11:03am and Bangle was ready to be picked up.
Bangle has been sneezing occasionally, ever since a sneezing Tux came up last week, so fingers’ crossed that it’s some mild form of a dog cold. She had a bout of hacking coughs tonight but I put that down to something she ate.
Went to Pakowhai Regional Park late afternoon, beautiful sunshine but still chilly. When we got there Bangle declined to go for a walk, I think because she’s feeling a bit low with her cold, Karola thinking that Bangle doesn’t want to get her groomed coat dirty. So we went straight home.
Kirsty Faulkner called and had a long chat with Karola this evening; for Karola a happy break from arguing with her spouse.
Its still vdry wet underfoot so I’ve agreeed with Mark we’ll give this week a miss and see what the weather and ground is like next Monday.
Oak Avenue Weather:5.1℃—14.3℃ no rain [?] eggs=0 Mark=0
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Don’t Remember It Being This Wet In Previous Winters
Rained off and on all night and during the day.
Chooks found a dry spot today under their chook house although they still seem to prefer sitting on the top railing of the Goose paddock at night rather than inside their chook house.
Relaxed inside all day, including listening to the last of five Audible audio books, Falco, recommended by Anna. Thoroughly enjoyable twelve hours of listening. Did get a walk in with Bangle between showers at Pakowhai Regional Park late afternoon.
Oak Avenue Weather:5.4℃—12.8℃ 3.2mm rain [?] TdP eggs=0 Mark=0
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Inventory Of Cyclone Damaged Fences
More rain.
Cyclone Cleanup – Starting On The 52m Tall Himalayan Spruce
Cyclone Cleanup – Cedar Branch Torn Off When The Spruce Fell
Cyclone Fence Damage – Eucalypt Branches Crushed Road Fence North Of 133 Entrance
Cyclone Fence Damage – 50 Metres Fence Northwards Along 121 Driveway (4 photos)
Cyclone Fence Damage – Road Fence North Of 121 Driveway (2 photos)
Cyclone Fence Damage – Long Acre-Goose Paddock Fence
Oak Avenue Weather:10.2℃—14.1℃ 21.0mm rain [?] TdP eggs=0
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Winter Rains
Ben, working on Maud Island this week with DOC members to census the native frogs there, sent photo of one of his protectorate and a view from the Maud island kitchen.
Saturday party across the road started after lunch but thankfully stopped soon after midnight. Pacific Islander orchard workers letting their hair down I’d say; pretty loud and rhythmic.
Maud Island (Native Frog Sanctuary) View View across Pelorous Sound
Hamilton’s Frog – One Of Only Four Primitive Native New Zealand Frogs
Oak Avenue Weather:6.8℃—14.7℃ 23.8mm rain [?] TdP eggs=0
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A Sullen, Scowling Cloudy Cold Day
Mark spent his time here cutting back the hedges, an annual autumn/winter task. It takes several days to do the hedges we try to keep under control, most of them are left rampant.
Late afternoon we went for a walk in Pakowhai Regional (aka Country) Park and then dropped in at Captain Salty’s to pick up our regular Friday fish & chip dinner.
Oak Avenue Weather:-0.1℃—12.4℃ 0.8mm rain [?]TdP eggs=0 Mark=4
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We Revisit Ngaruroro Stop Bank At End Of Ormond Road
Cold sunny winter’s day. Mark finished digging the small ditch round the new chook run perimeter, allowing the bottom of the netting to be buried an inch or so below ground. He then released the two blocks of young red beech trees either side of the 133 gateway.
Karola, Bangle, and I went down to the Ngaruroro stop bank at the end of Ormond Road, the first time we’ve been down at that point since February 14th. We were met by an imposing sign which perhaps indicates it’s not a good idea to ramble along our usual stretch of stop bank, but Bangle and I did anyway and had to climb round some earthworks where there’s stop bank restoration work going on, allegedly. Well big gouges into the stop bank on the landward side and piles of earth on the stop bank path.
Leonie came at 3:30pm and cleaned the cottage. We agreed she’d come at 2:00pm instead of 3:30pm for cleaning, and at 3:00pm when she helps with ferrying Karola for Bangle’s walk and I do a bike ride – cleanoing and ferrying being on alternate weeks. It’s going to remain getting dark around 5:00pm, earlier when cloudy, for several months so the earlier start times make sense.
Stop Bank “Keep Out” Notice
Oak Avenue Weather:1.6℃—14.6℃ no rain [?] TdT eggs=0 Mark=4
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Americano Coffee – To Cut Down On The Calories
Yesterday the Grillo ride-on lawn mower started giving trouble. Mark cleaned it, topped up the oil and cleaned the air filter after which it mowed on happily until mid afternoon when Mark ended his day. We made sure both spark plugs were well connected to their cables – this was apparently the source of the problem last time a similar behaviour was observed.
The three of us, me, Karola, and Bangle, went into town mid day to get this week’s MYLK meals, some more wheat for the chooks, and Karola’s handbag which she’d left behind at Bay Espresso yesterday. Yesterday, when we found her phone was missing, I used the “find my …” app to locate it – at Bay Espresso. Only when I rang them did we realise it was the whole handbag with phone, glasses, and wallet inside.
After this we went over to Havelock North to the Tainui Reserve walk where we had lunch comprising sharing a BLT sandwich and bitter luke-warm Americano coffees from BP’s Wild Bean Café, as an experiment. Possibly we’d left them too long while we finished the shopping, so maybe we’ll try again before writing Americanos off completely.
Oak Avenue Weather:4.6℃—13.5℃ no rain [?] TdH eggs=0 Mark=4
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Bridget Goes Home
Mark came mid morning and did a spot more mowing before the Grillo packed up, yet again, refusing to start after conking out within half an hour of mowing. It’s also not cutting well on one of the side blades. Mark then continued with the chook run creation.
Meanwhile, as on most Tuesdays, we did the weeks shopping getting back in time for Bridget to take us all to Bay Espresso one more time to eat under a shade outside in their garden with the two dogs.
I think Karola and I have now switched from our regular coffees – one large latte, one flat-white – to two Americanos with cold milk on the side for one. Karola prefers the straght black coffee and it’s probably better for me to have less milk.
Bridget, who had been working remotely all morning, had one more online meeting which finished at 4:00pm. We then went to the Pakowhai Regional Park and walked the dogs; Bridget took us home and then set off immediately for Wellington. We watched her zooming along on my iPhone – a feature of the “find my phone” app. It’s odd to see the dot representing Bridget moving swiftly along the satellite image. We tracked her to Shannon and then exchanged TXTs when she got home.
Haven’t seen retired forester Keith and neighbour Pete for a while but they were here today sawing away. They’ve begun on fallen wood in the Front paddock.
Oak Avenue Weather:5.4℃—14.3℃ no rain [?] TdP eggs=0 Mark=4
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Tux Goes To Vet’s – No Trouble Found (NTF)
Anna called from England and talked with Karola while I went down to Caltex in Omahu road and got the petrol cans refilled for Mark.
Mark came at the usual time and spent his half-day mowing up the thick layer of leaves under the big oak.
Bridget was upstairs in the homestead working remotely from the BNZ in Wellington. We had a brief lunch at Lappuccino’s, a break in Bridget’s remote working.
Later, at 3:00pm, Bridget took us all for the dogs walk in Pakowhai Regional Park, first attending her appointment with Tux at our vet clinic in Hastings. Turns out there was nothing seriously wrong with Tux who has been sneezing a lot over the last week; it’ll probably clear up by itself in a few days.
Anna and Dave will probably come out for another visit later this year, from 24th September until 5th November – we are excited at the prospect.
Pakowhai Regional Park – Lots Of Dogs Frolicking
Bridget’s Photo Of Twilight – Looking West From The Cottage at 6:00pm
Oak Avenue Weather:4.8℃—15.2℃ no rain [?] TdP eggs=0 Mark=4
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Woman’s Tennis Final, A Splendid Match & Polish Iga Swiatek Won (Again)
Another relaxed day, despite the forecast there was some persistent drizzle for much of the day making the ground too muddy for comfort outside. However we donned raincoats and ventured over to Bay Espresso in Karamu Road and sat in the garden at a table with large umbrella and dry seats. From there we went on to Clive and had a wetlands walk with both the dogs.
The weather improved so we stopped at Pakowhai Regional Park on the way home and took the dogs for another walk under the trees.
Karola and Bridget watched a Sky streamed replay of the French Tennis women’s final.
Oak Avenue Weather:7.3℃—13.0℃ 0.2mm rain [?] TdP eggs=0
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Bridget’s First Day
Well a very relaxed day today; rain stopped and ground began drying out although it was still very cloudy.
Bridget took us all to Hygge (aka the old Clifton Café) for brunch. The menu meal I had was quite delicious but Karola and Bridget had meals from the cabinet which were not so good. Our waitress was someone I should have recognised from Cornucopia, my GF bread shop. She recognised me and afer a while I placed her. Since leaving the organics shop she went teaching but recently stopped that and is now a waitress at Hygge. She and Bridget had an animated discussion about the poor state of the teaching profession in New Zealand, the very large class sizes, the time each week spent on admin for the school and the government.
Bridget also took us post-siesta to Pakowhai Regional Park for a long walk with the dogs.
Anna Shows Us High Temperatures In London
Felix & Dave Replete After A Spanish-Themed Dinner Across The Road At The Ealing Red Lion Pub
Oak Avenue Weather:9.4℃—13.9℃ 1.2mm rain [?] TdP eggs=0
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Bridget & Tux Arrive For A Long Weekend
Ivan the electrician dropped in mid morning hoping for some eggs – but we’ve had no eggs from our hens for weeks and I’m not expecting any until the new chook run is finished and they are incarcerated (at least until lunchtime) so I can find any eggs.
Then Francis Wierzbicki, Karola’s nephew, called to say he was in Napier and would like to call in to see us. Then Henare came and had some weird problem with his phone that I couldn’t understand, so he left again within the hour. Francis arrived in his new looking ex-Chorus electrician’s van. He’d been to Hamilton to buy it and was on his way home, calling on us, on his mum in Feilding, and a mate in Paraparaumu before catching the ferry back to Nelson on Sunday.
It rained early morning and again mid afternoon but the forecast is for dry days until the end of next week.
Bridget arrived around 10:00pm and we all had some icecream before bed.
Oak Avenue Weather:7.5℃—15.9℃ 2.6mm rain [?] TdO eggs=0 Mark=0
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Winter’s Day
A rather sullen day, heavily overcast with occasional drizzle. Everyone looking a bit fed up; the sheep ruminating under the trees, the chooks sheltering in the farm shed lean-to.
Oak Avenue Weather:8.0℃—15.0℃ 3.2mm rain [?] TdO eggs=0 Mark=0
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Iain Middleton Departs For Wellington
Too wet for Mark again. We were up quite early in case Iain Middleton was also up early for his trip back to Wellington, but we didn’t see him until he was ready to go at 10:00am. It’s been very good for me to have him here chatting about his travels in India and Nepal, although I have heard quite a lot of the stories before.
Phone calls with Bridget and Anna and Gill today all help us feel a little less isolated. Karola, in particular, finds the lack of company quite a trial. Perhaps Bridget will make it up here next weekend; that’d be very welcome.
Oak Avenue Weather:8.9℃—14.0℃ 1.6mm rain [?] TdO eggs=0 Mark=0
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Karola and I went to the local Sports Park for my appointment for an ultrasound inspection of a benign lump, Karola being one of my two allowed companions. In the event it was simple, not very long, and wickedly expensive ($370). And, as they say in IBM, “NTF”. That is “no trouble found”, as expected but one likes to be reassured.
Then, it being a Tuesday, the shopping. As usual we first went to the Seawater Seafood shop for the bwest wet fish in hastings, then to New World for the week’s groceries, and on to Cornucopia, the organics shop, for my weekly GF bread. While in the Cornucopia car park I noticed that my phone was telling me I’d lost contact with Karola’s glasses. We searched her bag and the car but indeed there was no trace. The phone said the glassesd were last seen 400 metres away on Heretaunga Street which I (rightly) assumed was the site of New World. We popped back there and searched the car park where we’d been parked – no sign. Then I went inside and asked, and to my surprise they’d been handed in and all was saved. The Apple Airtag connected to Karola’s glasses by a long string has once again come to the rescue. Many times in the past months I’ve used the Airtag ringing to locate it in the cottage – but this was the first time it has been effective locating the glasses outside.
No Mark today as it’s still raining. Not too wet for a quick walk in Pakowhai Country Park to Bangle’s delight.
Iain Middleton went off for his forestry meetings and came back in time for a light supper plus long chats about all sorts of things.
Oak Avenue Weather:9.0℃—13.2℃ 3.4mm rain [78.5] TdP eggs=0 Mark=0
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Queen’s Birthday As Was
Iain went off to his forestry meeting before we got up. Upon return he said that only a handful of trees were blown over in cyclone Gabrielle, and a few forestry tracks had slips onto them. They were very fortunate.
I am limping about the place because for the last three days my right knee has been complaining; not sure when I bumped it, it’s a bit late to be reacting to falling off the electric bike when Anna et al were here.
Short torrential shower passed through this morning, as forecast. Haven’t seen such heavy rain this year.
Yesterday was Alex 17th birthday; I gather the escape room game was part of the festivities (see below).
Birthday Girl Alex And Bridget Solve The Escape Room
Oak Avenue Weather:7.4℃—16.4℃ 12.8mm rain [78.8] TdP eggs=0
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A Lot Of Wiers Descend
Iain Middleton had a relaxing day, mainly working on his computer in the homestead main bedroom. He joined us for lunch (scrambled eggs and bacon) and afterwards we went round the Front paddock and the orchard with Bangle and Karola, to show the cyclone fallen trees.
Late morning the Wiers (Chloe, Laura, Tessa, Ashley and Jimmy) dropped in and had a tour of the homestead plus a look at the fallen trees, leaving for more gymnastics in Palmerston North this afternoon.
Oak Avenue Weather:0.1℃—13.6℃ no rain [78.6] TdO eggs=0
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Iain Middleton Arrives in Time For Dinner
Warm sunny day in the morning turned sharply cooler in the afternoon. Only outing was to get a bit more food for Iain Middleton’s meal from Flaxmere New World.
Many will by now have driven between Napier and Hastings and points south using SH 51 along the coast, passing by Waitangi, Ravensdown and the rest of Awatoto. What a mess.
Awatoto Railway Bridge Over The Tutaekuri River
Oak Avenue Weather:3.7℃—17.0℃ no rain [78.4] TdO eggs=0
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Landrover Fixed – Not A Big problem
Pavla arrived at 10:00am as expected and spent the morning cleaning in the homestead. In time for Iain Middleton’s visit tomorrow for a few days. Mark arrived as usual at the same time.
Mark did some mowing down the 121 driveway with the tractor, it being more robust in the face of large twigs and gravel. Then he and I worked on the chook run. We strung up the top wire and I strained it up only to have one of the corner posts rise up out of the ground. We loosened off the wire and sledge-hammered the post back into the ground. To,we hoped, stop a repeat of that we attached a couple of “swinging foot”s to the post. We found a couple of short lengths of waratah (metal post), wired them to the post and banged them in at an angle next to the post.
Mark drove Karola and me over to Tamatea Automotive on his way home. He took a detour to show us the Waiohiki Bridge which is a vital link between us and the Eastern Institute of technology (EIT) which itself is still closed due to flood damage.
As we drove back we unfortunately went past Green meadows New World supermarket – so we got a drink and a bun each. Turns out that the Landrover cable to the top of the distributor had become detached causing an intermittent failure to power the ignition. Heath said that when the tow truck driver got there with the Landrover he said that it started perfectly. Heath tried it with the same result. However when Heath returned to his garage after a short test run it died and refused to start. Lucky really as the cable sometimes connected, sometimes didn’t causing a hard-to-diagnose intermittent electrical fault. All fine now and WOF passed.
Almost dark at 4:30pm Karola, Bangle, and I drove down Carrick road to the Ngaruroro stop bank and I gave Bangle a short walk. Then we went back home via Captain Salty’s fish & chip shop.
Waiohiki Bridge On February 14th
Waiohiki Bridge Today – Far From Repaired
Oak Avenue Weather:8.0℃—23.2℃ no rain [78.8] TdT eggs=0 Mark=4
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Frustrating Day
Mark took a day off today which actually, given what else happened, was a good thing.
First off I was expecting the AA to come and tow the Landrover to Tamatea Automotive today. I got a TXT saying the tow truck would be here within 2 hours. Then I got a call saying I’d have to pay $50. I then remembered I’d booked the callout on my “associate” card, not Karola’s premium services card. So I asked them to switch the call-out to Karola’s account.
I called AA again soon after 12:00pm and they said it’ll be there within 30 minutes. I got a call soon afterwards saying we were next on the tow truck schedule. It came around 1:00pm.
Meanwhile a white car came around 10:30am, someone from an electrical company. Turns out it was man on behalf of Meridian, our electricity supplier who had sent clients, including me, with an email over a month ago saying they were upgrading all client meter boxes. We were to be notified individually when someone would be calling to make the change.
I had not received any such email or TXT. I asked the engineer if he realised we had a special meter box to handle the solar panels and special accommodation for automatic switching to the backup generator. He neither affirmed nor denied he knew what that meant. In addition he wanted to switch of our electricity for half an hour – which should trigger the backup generator. Anyway, given my anxiety at having this sprung upon me, and me expecting the tow truck any time, he said it was my decision to allow or not allow the upgrade so I said “no thanks”.
Just as the tow truck was loading the Landrover another white car arrived. It was Leonie, the cleaner, who we agreed last week would only come fortnightly to clean the cottage. It seems that Jen Talbot, Leonie’s boss, had not briefed her very well on the new arrangements I’d proposed in an email to Jen last week. I was hoping for Leonie to do the cottage cleaning every fortnight until the end of August and to begin a different role as personal helper once a fortnight to see how that worked out. The personal role was to begin late afternoon and Leonie, Bangle, and Karola would go round the orchard while I went off by myself on a bike ride down on the stop bank. Then Leonie would cook us a meal and wash up the pans etc. We’d let that evolve naturally if everyone got on together. But Leonie turned up at 1:00pm not having been briefed on the format while, in the absence of any contact by Jen, I had not expected Leonie today. We three had a bit of discussion and decided that Leonie would come 3:30pm every Thursday, one week cleaning, the other the personal companion role then she left. I will rejig my weekly menu so that the MYLK bought meal swaps with a meal that needs cooking. I am rather cross that Jen didn’t contact me nor brief Leonie properly as this could all fall apart if Karola decides she doesn’t want it to happen. Sigh.
The tow truck departed, Leonie tootled off, and at last we trundled off in Zoe into town to pick up tonight’s MYLK meals and take Bangle for a walk in Havelock North.
Garage rang to say the Landrover was fixed and had it’s WOF done.
Tessa Wier TXTed to say they’d be dropping in, she, Laura, Chloe, and Tessa’s two children, to see us around 10:00am on Sunday. Iain Middleton confirmed he expects to come up on Saturday and leave on Tuesday morning. Keith the forrestewr TXTed to say he’ll bring his big truck on Monday to move the big logs down near the cattlestop, presumably in position for his portable mill. He bought a big second-hand truck last week.
I rang Marcus Ormond to get his mother-in-law’s phone number for Karola. He then called me back to remind me of his mate Ronnie who we’ve agreed can come and scavenge the large blocks of oak left from clearing the driveway. Ronnie wants to split for firewood and Marcus has brokered some sort of deal whereby Ronnie splits the proceeds with us.
I was able to get an hour or so of work on the new chook run before dusk.
Oak Avenue Weather:2.0℃—22.0℃ no rain [78.2] TdH eggs=0 Mark=0
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