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Monthly Archives: November 2015
Spent the morning doing odd things including working with the expensive automatic rat trap
Mowed the cottage lawn and other small pieces as usually done on a Sunday.
Karola then did several hours of mowing Barley grass and Nettles in the Middle paddock – the Barley grass seed heads are ripening by the hour.
Cottage Lawn – Before
… and After
Cottage Lawn – Before
… and After
Cottage Lawn – Before
… and After
Through The Walkway
Oak Avenue Weather:15℃—22℃ 2.9mm rain [82.9]
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Furniture Sliders
Attended to the rat traps – no more actual bodies seen since the first day but I assume the eradication continues with other animals taking away the dead.
Fixed another break in the leaky pipe servicing the runner beans.
Checked ewe #233 and gave her another dose of fly strike powder in her right ear; otherwise she hasn’t changed much since yesterday.
Put the registration stickers for 2016 on the tractor and the big trailer.
… and other similar small stuff.
In the afternoon we fitted gliders (or sliders) to the feet of the six oak chairs and their oak table. I had to dash into Mitre-10 to change the sizes of some and find castors that fitted the table.
Oak Avenue Weather:12℃—24℃ no rain [82.9]
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Federation of Graduate Women Alumni Barbecue
The promised rain is late in coming and when it does it is short, sharp, and not very much. By late afternoon the ground surface was dry again.
Karola went out to a social barbecue lunch of the Federation of Graduate Women (Hawkes Bay branch) alumni, returning late afternoon.
I turned on the irrigation for the bay trees, the runner beans, and set a sprinkler going under the big oak hoping to encourage some of the lucerne seeds I scattered a week or so ago.
Karola and I then tended the sheep:
- Ewe #233 is twitching her ears so we put powder in them to stop any mites – they can drive a sheep crazy. That did seem to liven her up but I now suspect she’s blind – we hope only temporarily. Her lamb is loyally keeping her company but she is staying well clear of the other sheep.
- We docked the two new lambs, #218’s #536E and #537R.
- We applied Maggo (withholding for meat of 12 days) to ewe #116 and lambs #516E, #518R, #520E, #524E, #526R, #534E, #535R
The mild flu I have seems to be subsiding – great improvement.
Karola’s Special Rose In Full Bloom: “Graham Stuart Thomas”
Ewe #218 And Her Late Twins
Oak Avenue Weather:7℃—31℃ 0.4mm rain [83.2]
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Friday Of Summer Weather
Quite a warm day spent reading and dozing. Did a bit of online admin.
Bridget called after work; she had a slow puncture after going to The Warehouse for Christmas shopping. Thankfully it was OK for now once she’d got some more air pumped into it at a local petrol station.
Karola tended her sheep in the morning – just spending time looking at the lambs and sizing up their potential as breeding flock replacements.
Later Karola went Christmas shopping and Friday shopping in Hastings.
Oak Avenue Weather:21℃—31℃ no rain [83.3]
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Summers Day – Homestead Is Wonderfully Cool
Warm day and I read much of the time as well as writing a few emails and dozing. In the early afternoon I switched to the homestead, relishing the cool cool rooms. What a life. I spent quite a while trying to get the details on our Australian bank account and funds corrected – made some progress.
Karola was out for much of the afternoon and later, once it started to cool down, put up electric fence for more strips of pasture for her sheep.
Oak Avenue Weather:11℃—33℃ no rain [83.3]
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Sheep Get Another Tranche
I have a slight cold and spent the day snoozing and reading one of two very large sic-fi novels Bridget gave me.
Another nice calendar from Barbara Florent in France – we may go and see her while we’re in the UK next August.
Karola tended to her sheep, the ones we drenched yesterday, giving them a good spray of Maggo (withholding for meat of 14 days) in case any of them are already fly-struck. There were many flies buzzing around us yesterday.Maggo treats fly-strike; Magnum repels flies and kills lice.
Karola gave all her sheep another swathe of the Middle paddock.
I also put some fly-strike powder on ewe #233 who has been off colour for a week or more, according to Karola. The ewe is seeking shade which is often an indicator of facial eczema – I do hope not this time.
Mid afternoon the three of us went to post some letters and get more meat for Bramble.
Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—25℃ no rain [83.8]
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Architect Ann Galloway Visits
Ann Galloway, 50-ish NZer with a Masters from Herriot Watt uni in Edinburgh, been practicing for 30 years. address: 5 Goldsmith Terrace, Ahuriri 4110, Tel: 06-835 6540. Cell: 027 283 8973,
website: https://galloway.netnz
Ann came to see Karamu and meet us today. Pleasant lady and a possible architect to help us with the additions to the homestead. We will get in touch again late in January when her current projects should be under less pressure – clients want stuff done by the end of the year we understand.
Afterwards Karola and I went to Clearview restaurant – now called “The Red Shed – Clearview Estate” and had an absolutely delicious dinner in recognition of Ben Bell’s birthday, today.
Later – having snoozed off the main course and pudding at Clearview – Karola and I at last drenched the ewes and lambs still afflicted by nasty wet dags. The following were administered Cydectin (withholding for meat of 10 days):
Ewes: #003, #007, #040, #101, #108, #116, #121, #133, #152, #213, #233, #241, #327, #328.
Lambs: #503, #506, #511, #516, #518, #520, #521, #526, #553, #534, #535, and ewe lamb with no tag.
First Flowers On The Runner Beans
Karamu Homestead – A Park-Like Peaceful Place To Relax
Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—27℃ no rain [83.5]
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Several Hours On The Tractor
Then Karola continued getting things straight for Meticulous Maids who came and cleaned the cottage mid afternoon.
One major thing. Karola cleaned the Welcome Swallow droppings from the ledges and walls and decking along the cottage kitchen verandah. Heroic effort standing on a stepladder and brushing up above your head. A great improvement.
Mowed the Front paddock and the Goose Enclosure – now shattered.
Went with Karola to see Peter & Charlotte in Havelock North – to get a signature from Peter confirming that I was still alive and hence should be sent my pension by IBM. They check every few years. Some spouses may not have got round to letting them know when they became widowed so the full pension was still being sent instead of 50%. Stayed and chatted for an hour. Then New World for shopping on the way home.
Goose Paddock After Topping
Front Paddock After Topping
Oak Avenue Weather:8℃—23℃ no rain [83.5]
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A Day Of Mowing (Henare and Me)
Henare came late morning and mowed half of the homestead lawn – the half that Karola’s sheep will not graze. beforehand I mowed a track round the area Karola will graze, so that the electric fence doesn’t short out due to overlong grass. After lunch Henare and Karola weeded under the Ginkgo tree in front of th homestead – as Henare said, being all weedy it upset the look of the area he’d just mowed.
I mowed the One Acre and mowed most of the Californian thistle patches quite harshly in the Totara, One Acre, and Front paddocks – with the tractor and orchard mower.
Mown Area Of Homestead Lawn – Weeded Under The Ginkgo
Californian Thistle Patches Mown Short
One Acre Before Mowing
One Acre After Mowing
Oak Avenue Weather:6℃—26℃ no rain [83.4]
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Surprise, Surprise for Ewe #218
Late start to the day. Gwen and family went into Hastings for the morning.
Charlotte and Peter joined us all for lunch at Karamu. Gwen & Bolke et al left for Auckland soon after 1:30pm. Charlotte & Peter stayed and chatted till late afternoon. Janet Scott from next door joined us for a chat mid afternoon.
Karola had a surprise for me: Ewe #218, long thought unable to have a lamb has, at this late stage, produced twins: #536E and #537R.
Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—21℃ 0.1mm rain [84.0]
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Gwen & Bolke et al Arrive
Tsk, Tsk, no SwimGym today.
Karola got organised for the arrival of Gwen, Bolke and their two daughters. Bloke’s dad arrived unexpectedly after breakfast – he was down from Auckland staying with Rupert Ryan and fixing wind machines and hear that his son and family were coming here for a day on their way up to Auckland. Karola explained that he was a day early – we don’t expect them until late tonight.
Karola did shopping. I mowed the cottage lawn and other bits usually done on a Sunday.
Checked the GoodNature A24 rat trap and the two Nooski rat traps. The A24 caught two large rats inside the first 24 hours.
First Blood For The A24 Automatic Resetting Rat Trap
Oak Avenue Weather:13℃—21℃ no rain [83.9]
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Rat Trap War – Traps Set
Karola had a busy morning in town – haircut and so on. I had a quiet morning with Bramble walking round the paddocks, cutting a few thistles, and mulling over our finances entrusted to Chris Day of Forsyth Barr. We then had a slow dialogue by email that extended into the afternoon.
Set the automatic rat trap and two Norski rat traps.
I began digging a hole to uncover the suspected leak in the waste management drip-line and found the pipe but no obvious leak.
Karola spent the afternoon, and exhausted herself yet again, by putting up a long line of electric fence cutting off the old Goose Enclosure and part of the Middle paddock. Once that was done Karola put the ram in the yards temporarily and moved her flock from the Front paddock to the new grazing.
Oak Avenue Weather:7℃—19℃ no rain [84.3]
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Still a bit jaded from the weekend’s activities. Rain during the morning made it too wet for outdoors projects.
Bramble, having sensed a visit to the vet was imminent for her limping, bounced around with hardly a limp at all today so we cancelled the vet visit.
Today I completed my UK passport renewal and posted it. Also we completed Karola’s forms for opening an new account for her to hold bonds – a superior sort of Term Deposit account. We went into Napier and completed the paperwork with Chris Day at Forsyth Barr.
In the evening we went to SPECTRE, a film at Cinema Gold in Havelock North with Charlotte and Peter. Afterwards we had a very pleasant meal at the Indian restaurant just across the road from the cinema.
Oak Avenue Weather:3℃—15℃ 2.8mm rain [84.1]
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Belongings Arrived Safely
The truck arrived around 9:00am – they’d set off at 5:00am. The truck was unpacked swiftly and carefully; Karola directed the flow of belongings between the homestead garage, her office, the homestead, and the cottage.
I checked my runner beans and they are growing fast but look a tad yellow, which bodes trouble.
Late afternoon, after dinner, we yarded up the flock and applied Magnum pour-on fly and lice repellant to all the sheep, including the ram. (withholding for meat of zero days).
Sheep Pleased To See Us
Runner Beans With A Touch Of Yellow
Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—24℃ no rain [84.0]
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Loading Up The Truck
In the morning Karola did a first pass clean of the garage and afterwards, almost empty, it looked much improved.
The truck came just after lunch and its 20 cubic metres was much bigger than I’d imagined. It was in fact pretty much a covered 5-ton truck. We scrambled to add a lot of stuff I’d thought would never fit and still, when they drove away, it was only 3/4 full. On the other hand, because we did manage to get a lot more in that I’d feared, we have a much easier time at Christmas, finishing off the clear-up.
We left soon afterwards, back up through the Hutt valley, over the Rimutakas, and up through the Wairarapa. We got home just before dark. There’s a little rest area just over the Rimutakas before Featherstone where we let Bramble stretch her legs and we made ourselves a cup of coffee and photographed a pleasant tree (see below).
Henare sent me a TXT to say all was well.
Garage Transformed
Karola’s Thumb – For A Change. I Liked The Tree.
Oak Avenue Weather:7℃—14℃ 4.7mm rain [?]
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Cleaning Out The Garage
Brunch at the Pavilion with Felicity & Geoff.
Then Geoff & I took the firewood from the garage round to his garage. My dexterity in backing meant I hit first one side of his garage door then the other – nothing a judicious bash with a sledge hammer didn’t quell.
Afterwards, when Geoff had departed, Karola and I did a second large trailer load of garage rubbish to the Seaview transfer station, arriving, as is our won’t, 3 minutes before closing. On the way a solidified bag of cement fell off the trailer onto the road and split – quite a small mess, we were lucky, and in Pitoitoi Road rather than on the busy coast road round to Seaview. Nerve wracking.
Oak Avenue Weather:11℃—24℃ 6.1mm rain [?]
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Dinner At Bridget’s
We began tagging stuff for the move on Monday. Marked the furniture that was not to go in the truck, either because it was to be given to charity or was needed for our few last days at the flat over Christmas.
Felicity Rashbrooke came mid morning and retrieved her chair – we’d had it on loan for years – and appraised the stuff we wanted to give to a good home.
Ginny & John Horrocks came and had a quick look round late morning and offered us the use of their trailer for the next few days. Then they gave us lunch, as planned.
After lunch we took one load of rubbish from the garage to the transfer station (i.e. dump) in Seaview. Minimum charge of $30 for 200kg – we had 150kg.
Went off to Bridget’s for dinner, taking with us the solid rimu bookcase that matches others she has. After dinner Karola went to a play at Circa, Witi Ihimaera’s All Our Sons, in Maori. Meanwhile I joined Bridget’s family watching Tomorrowland (George Clooney, Hugh Laurie) on their fabulous 4K 50” TV with massive surround sound.
Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—17℃ no rain [?]
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To Wellington
I had a haircut and got the weekend food, in particular my bread.
Pack and Go – down to Wellington via the Wairarapa, stopping for a coffee and a bite at Mount Bruce cafe. It went up considerably in my estimation when I realised that they could do tasted sandwiches with gluten-free bread.
We headed straight for Khandallah where I gave Bramble a walk in the park and we then rendezvoused with Gill and Ben at Taste for a sumptuous meal.
Results Of The Rat Lure Test Strips – Destroyed
Oak Avenue Weather:9℃—15℃ 0.2mm rain [?]
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Preparing For The Weekend in Wellington
Rained overnight and occasional showers during the day. So no need to irrigate the runner beans and bay trees this week.
Karola and I collected up the fresh firewood produced by our cutting back and mulching tree branches earlier this week. This included some offcuts not yet sawn to length.
Karola stacked the wood and then moved her ewes and lambs into the Front and One Acre paddocks where they’ll stay until we return on Monday night (or Tuesday). She’d already given them a last fling under the big oak.
Inserted a fresh piece of leaky pipe in the short run watering the runner beans, replacing a section which leaked profusely due to several over-sized holes.
Set three rat indicator lures on three trees along the 121 driveway – pieces of cardboard sandwiching some of the new rat lure paste that comes with the new rat trap I bought earlier this week. We shall see whether the spots I’ve chosen are attractive to feeding rats.
Also chopped the thistles in the Front paddock that were beginning to have flowers, including a patch of nodding thistles. Also got two large variegated thistles in the Middle paddock that were beginning to burst into flower.
Due to the wet weather we deferred applying Magnum and, to some, a drench, until we return next week.
Karola and I moved the map cabinet out of the homestead garage and into the homestead sun porch to make room for the Days Bay flat contents arriving on Tuesday.
Sowed most of the lucerne seed under the big oak in the hope of getting a few plants started before high summer.
Glorious Rhododendron On The Front 133 Drive
Branches From A Large Privet
Runner Beans Coming Along
Oak Avenue Weather:6℃—15℃ 0.8mm rain [83.0]
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Rats Be Gone – Tis Time Indeed
Today I finally have had enough of the rats. Bold as brass, hardly bothering to step off the road in broad daylight. Seeing 3 – 4 during the day leads me to believe that there are many many more we’ve not seen.
Main task today was completing the cottage lawn mowing – by that I mean the grass driveway up to the cottage, under the washing line, and along the east side of the cottage. Followed by using the tractor and orchard mower to cut the verges and centre-line of the 121 driveway.
Bold As Brass – And Notice The Lush Verges
Aftermath Of Tractor Mowing
Oak Avenue Weather:9℃—25℃ 8.7mm rain [82.9]
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Hot Day But Refreshing Cool Breeze
Pretty drained after yesterday. Karola did more tree guard work with occasional help from me; I mowed cottage lawn, otherwise we just pottered.
I checked all the expiry dates for passports, driving licenses, and credit cards. Karola’s passports are fine but she needs to renew her UK driving license. I need to renew both passports and my UK driving license. Our UK credit/debit cards expire before we go to the UK and Poland in August next year but we plan to reinstate them once we get to Anna’s.
This coming weekend is interestingly hectic so I sent Bridget an email with our activities for the next few days.
I did pop into town briefly, many to get an automatic rat trap – there are just so many rats out in broad daylight on the drives and in the shrubbery.
- List for Bridget
– Fri 13th SwimGym then I have a haircut appointment, am getting some passport photos taken.
– Then we’ll set off for Wgtn and a meal with Gill & Ben at Taste in Khandallah.
– Sat 14th We’ll be staying at the Days Bay flat sorting stuff out. The Horrocks plan to visit us late morning to see if they want any of the contents.
– They have offered to give us lunch.
– In the afternoon we expect to take the firewood in the garage to either the Rashbrookes or Gill & Ben.
– Karola has booked a seat at a play in Wellington starting at 8:00pm. Play by Witi Ihimaera re the Maori in WW1.
– Before that Bridget has offered an early evening dinner with her family.
– Sun 15th We expect to have brunch with the Rashbrookes at the Pavilion.
– Mon 16th: The movers come around 2:00pm with a 20 cubic metre truck and will load it up ready for the trip to Hastings
– We will set off for Hastings either on Monday evening or Tuesday morning in order to be ready to receive the removers on Tuesday afternoon.
– Tue 17th The truck goes up to Hastings
– Wed 18th: SwimGym first thing then we have booked for the 5:15pm session of SPECTRE at Cinema Gold in Havelock North, with Peter and Charlotte.
– We’ll probably have an Indian meal together afterwards - Next Year
– Melbourne then Tassie late feb for 10 days
– UK & Poland from Aug 7th for three weeks.
– Karola’s 70th in May, Ian’s 70th in Nov — if we last that long
Bramble Finally In Good Spirits Now Fireworks Are Over
Cottage Lawn Trimmed But Not Scalped
Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—21℃ 0.1mm rain [82.6]
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Cutting Back and Mulching
Karola made an alleyway across the goose enclosure and let her sheep under the big oak. Karola also did yet another tree guard.
The cutting back of Privet and other fast-growing trees continued apace. Around d 4:30pm Henare came and we cut and mulched until 7:00 pm. It was exhausting.
Karola’s Sheep Enjoying Fresh Pasture Under The Big Oak
Large Pile Of Mulched Tree Branches
Oak Avenue Weather:13℃—24℃ no rain [83.1]
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Henare & Karola Clear Some Jungle
Mid morning Henare arrived as planned and Karola and he attacked the jungle of weeds that had grown up in the supposedly weed-suppressing gravel round the raised bed garden. Two things really helped. The recent rain has made pulling out the weeds much easier, and Henere is strong.
Henare had finished by lunchtime and his next challenge was to make the octagon round the big Canary Island palm tree ready for planting.
Meanwhile I started on cutting back some of the fast-growing trees along the 133 driveway: Camelias & Lacebarks (Hoheria). I wielded the chainsaw while Henare sawed up the meltable pieces into easy lengths for mulching.
The main thicket of Lacebarks near the 133 entrance had two interesting features: galls on many of the smaller branches with leaves. Not seen on other Lacebarks but seen on this one over several years; and large patches of what seem to be animal scratch marks starting near the ground and patches on the larges branches near the trunk up to head height. I suspect possums?
Raised Bed Paths Visible Again – Bramble Test-Drives
This Was Thigh-High In Weeds
Octagon Garden: Soil Broken Up And Levelled
Letting The Light In
Lacebark Had Large Areas of Scratchmarks – Presumably Possums
Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—23℃ no rain [83.1]
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Enough Tree Guard Maintenance Already
Karola let her sheep have the holding paddock in addition to the One Acre and the Front paddock. Soon they’ll be put into the Long Acre, usually the ram’s precinct.
Karola continued with changing and mending and weeding her tree guards – I was needed to help get the guards off and on over the top of their trees in order that Karola could re-hammer the supporting standards.
I did a little mulching of branches Karola had cut earlier then we both unloaded the mulch we made the other day from the big trailer into the lemon tree octagon as a weed suppressant.
Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—20℃ 0.1mm rain [83.1]
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Banished By The Dog
SwimGym after a night upstairs in the spare bed.
All because it was Guy Fawkes night and the fire crackers really upset Bramble. So, when I came to bed last night I found my side occupied. At least Bramble had the grace to look guilty. The upstairs bed is actually quite comfortable so not really a problem.
We went to SwimGym 15 minutes early so that I could get to my quarterly doctor’s appointment, diabetic’s check, at 9:00am. After that I grabbed weekend food and, on the way home, bought Karola 2kg of lucerne seed – she’d been talking about how well her last lot survived through several hot summers and how she’d like to have more under the big oak.
More tree guard maintenance for Karola all day.
Oak Avenue Weather:7℃—16℃ no rain [83.3]
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5th November – Bramble Does Not Like It
Just a stream of little things today.
Called Paul the Builder to see how drawings for our new shed, aka “the potting shed”, are going. They’re not but Paul iis going to chivvy the draftsman.
Several exchanges with our financial man as I try to get some Mighty River Power shares to him rather than having to fuss about them or forget to take some desirable action. And he’s agreed to come round next week and explain the bonds market to Karola and me.
A flurry of emails with the purchasers of our Days Bay flat and I contacted the Lower Hutt city council to get a certificate of compliance for our wood burner. Greg, the “Van Man” called and we agreed that the flat’s contents would be moved on 16th / 17th November – so we’ll be going down to Wellington on 13th to oversee that.
Also contacted Historic Places Trust to see if they can recommend a draftsman to help us get started on the changes to the homestead – kitchen, bathrooms, and a verandah.
In the time remaining I got back to my computer training – I’ve been stuck on lesson #87 for over a month. Time to get moving again.
Oak Avenue Weather:9℃—15℃ no rain [83.8]
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A Welcome Spot of Rain
Raining since before dawn and continuing all day.
I did a quick shop after lunch. Meticulous Maids came and cleaned the homestead.
Karola took advantage of the wet weather to work on her papers and memorabilia in the dry and warm.
Mike Armstrong called and we agreed he’d refund $400 on the $800 solid rimu map cabinet that wasn’t solid rimu. Honour satisfied.
Oak Avenue Weather:8℃—13℃ 16.2mm rain [83.5]
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Quite Hot But Not For Long
Planted the 7 additional French Lavender plants.
Then we went in to Stortford Lodge, me for quarterly blood test and Karola for new gumboots and sunhat. I also bought some more paint stripper making it $100 of stripper so far.
More paint stripping.
Karola worked on her tree guards.
Oak Avenue Weather:13℃—27℃ 2.7mm rain [83.4]
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Cottage Garden Tasks
SwimGym but an hour later than usual – too much excitement yesterday I guess.
After breakfast I attached the little drip nozzles to the irrigation pipe going along the bay tree hedge – the pipe was laid in readiness many months ago and now the need draws near. Late afternoon I bought another 7 French Lavender plants, encouraged by Gill’s photo of her French Lavender and a hedge blooming in Hastings. I’ll be planting them at various points along the bay tree hedge.
I also, as the last part of the little cottage project I’ve been planning for a while, weeded the gravel bed surrounding the wastewater tank. This took several hours on hands and knees and by lunchtime it was pretty hot.
Mike Armstrong, who sold me the map cabinet on TradeMe, rang and apologised for his mistake in thinking and advertising the cabinet as solid rimu. He’s said he’ll investigate what he believes the cabinet would be worth giving it’s mostly rimu veneer. The cabinet formerly was in the workshop of a farmer in Waikato, now deceased.
The purchase agreement for 3/14 Pitoitoi Road arrived this morning. We signed it and Karola posted it in Stortford Lodge before lunch. She went on to get some food and to drop a letter off for Cyntha Chalmer’s friend Barbara O’Sullivan who is moving, after several decades in Hastings, to Waipukurau.
I called the IRD and got a mislaid payment applied to Karola’s account and the penalties for a missed payment revoked. I also called our contact, Emma Borlase, at the BNZ and made some adjustments to our term deposits. Interest rates in NZ are dropping significantly.
Late afternoon I had another crack ad stripping paint from the map cabinet; there’s still a way to go (see below).
Gravel Area Hidden Under Greenery
Almost Done
Map Cabinet Paint Stripping – Quite A Way To Go
Oak Avenue Weather:5℃—23℃ no rain [84.1]
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At Last It’s Over (RWC)
We got up at 4:55am and watched the final of the Rugby World Cup. Despite some worrying periods we need not have worried; the All Blacks reign supreme. As one wag put it: “Dan Carter 19, Wallabies 17, rest of the ABs 15”.
As planned, Henare came and mulch-mowed the homestead lawn – the grass was very long and, outside the area grazed by the sheep, thick. It took him about 7 hours.
Henare gave us a pair of dwarf bean plants, surplus to requirements from his sister, and these are now planted amongst the runner beans in their rabbit-proof enclosure.
Karola continues with the tree guard maintenance. I did some more paint stripping.
Main Homestead lawn Before Mowing
… and Afterwards
A Little Light Stripping – It’s A Slow Process
Oak Avenue Weather:5℃—19℃ no rain [84.1]
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