Monthly Archives: November 2012

Peter & Charlotte Come To Dinner

SwimGym in good time today then – after a night of intermittent but very welcome gentle rain – the sun came out.

Karola did the Friday shopping, disappearing until early afternoon.

The small flock of ewes with triplets and the youngest lambs got into one of the planting areas off the Front paddock. Luckily Karola spotted them moving around and I got them out without serious damage – a few trampled and broken branches but they mainly just ate the grass in there and made tracks it seems. The offending little gate – the ones with bolts do risk coming loose if either the gate post strainer or the gate slam post strainer moves a bit – is now tied up with baling twine.

Karola prepared a small feast for Peter and Charlotte Offenberger who are in the midst of moving from Wellington up to Havelock North this weekend. They and their stuff have left Wellington and the stuff arrives to be unpacked at their new house in Havelock North tomorrow morning. They were both pretty exhausted and seemed thankful for a nice meal and toddling off to sleep on the floor at their new house. Karola offered them a bed here but they wanted to be on deck early for the removals truck tomorrow.

Me, I just sit upstairs at my computer and tussle with my simple Mac OSX “objective-C” programs.

Oak Avenue Weather:6℃—16℃ 0.2mm rain [82.6]

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Karola’s Water Feature – Now Showing

Overcast but very mild, becoming hot and sunny by lunchtime.

Took Bramble to count the younger lambs and triplets in the Front paddock. All present and correct, 10 ewes and 18 lambs.

Karola has been urging me to move my audio-visual equipment from the box it is currently in – and happily so – to a really naf, horrid, purpose-built media cupboard with smoked glass doors that push to open and push to close. It is old and very tacky – Karola bought it at a Salvation Army shop years ago and we used it down in the Days Bay flat to put the old CRT TV on and the DVD player in.  Anyway I grudgingly tried to move the eight boxes of electronics and umpteen leads into the replacement box. A couple of hours later and almost all of it is working again in the new enclosure. Apart from sawing a large hole in the back of the replacement box it was only a matter of much uncabling and recabling and testing.

Meanwhile Karola moved 16 barrow loads of gravel from an old bath in the goose paddock yo her water feature. As per the photo below, it’s now operational.

After lunch Karola gave Bramble a shower/bath over at the homestead – both got very wet but Bramble is appreciably cleaner. Late afternoon I mowed the cottage lawn and the little lawn in front of the homestead garage. Karola did much cleaning and dusting which, together with the lawn mowing, is really spurred by the impending visit from Peter and Charlotte Offenberger tomorrow night

Just Like Christopher Robin

Oak Avenue Weather:8℃—26℃ 4.5mm rain [82.6]

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Karola’s Water Feature – The Piping

SwimGym – a little later this morning.

Karola continued with her water feature; my contribution was to assemble the pipes as shown below. I then did an hour or so of chopping thistles before it got too hot.

As usual, on computer today. Warm day but upstairs in the cottage with windows at both ends open there’s a cooling breeze. With the seriously strong insulation the cottage is keeping cooler in summer and warmer in winter; just as hoped.

Oak Avenue Weather:11℃—26℃ no rain [82.6]

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Bramble’s Eye Much Better

Up early and took the Landrover in for repairs to exhaust and replacement of back brake pads. We picked it up again late afternoon.

Karola finished weeding the flax along the drive and moved the five flax plants that ended up inside the paddock as a result of my new cottage railings.

Karola spent most time working on her “water feature” – a small pond made out of half an old concrete double-sink. The water supply is natural flow from our domestic well so low pressure and variable. We started putting together the small bits of pipe and connectors to direct it into the new pool from an old pipe running underground to the well head.

We attempted to apply ointment from the vet to Bramble’s eye, even though it was clearing up nicely by itself. She was VERY CROSS INDEED and we struggled to avoid being given a proper bite. As the vet confirmed, the nibbling Bramble does, annoyingly, when she’s excited and wants to play is as nothing to a serious Corgi bite. We have been warned.

Oak Avenue Weather:15℃—24℃ no rain [82.0]

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Bramble Has Sore Eye

SwimGym then we took Karola’s Subaru in for service – so we took both cars to the gym.

After breakfast – a break with (my) tradition of gluten-free toast and tuna&mayonnaise spread, scrambled egg and bacon – we went and bought a fitting so that Karola can feed an old underground pipe bearing water from the domestic well into a concrete tub as a small pond. This is near the old plum tree near the homestead garage. The hard shiny plastic pipe put underground when the new well was drilled back in 1980s has only the natural artesian head driving it but that’s plenty for a small pond. It is hard to connect to other pip, especially alkathene, so we have to glue it to a fitting ending in a threaded socket and then use and alkathene connector with a threaded male end to get to our favoured water pipe medium, 25mm or 20mm black alkathene. Karola glued the fitting onto the shiny plastic pipe unaided. Tomorrow we’ll work on the alkathene bit.

A bit of food shopping and we went home. Karola weeded the flax bushes along the drive and the goose enclosure; I went upstairs to my computer.

Mid afternoon the garage sent Karola’s car back and she then had to ferry the lad back to the garage. A neat way for them to offer free help if you haven’t got a second car because, unlike having a fleet of loaner cars, the garage uses your car and your petrol to do the ferrying.

Late afternoon I noticed Bramble was keeping the right eye shut and rubbing it. Karola had seen the same thing a little earlier. We took Bramble in to the Vets just before closing and Bramble was weighed (11.3kg) and given eye drops to anesthetize it and an injection to sedate her. She was still awake but very sleepy. No obvious damage to the eye so we just have drops to give her and must wait to see what happens.

Before dinner we took the Landrover and trailer into the Middle paddock and ferried Karola’s portable sheep yards over to the One Acre where she plans to reassemble them. As we’re taking the Landrover in for fixing an exhaust leak and worn back brake pads we may lose the use of it tomorrow and Wednesday, hence moving the portable yards tonight.

Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—27℃ no rain [82.0]

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Sheep Under The Big Oak

Karola spent the morning weeding under the big oak, digging out the Iris by the roots. Bramble assisted – she likes to dig whenever we do gardening which, if we’re planting, can be somewhat of a nuisance. Karola also trimmed the Rangiora along the 121 entrance railings and, to our surprise, found a dead lamb under the spruce near the Scotts boundary in the goose paddock. It was still born so I suppose the only candidate really is hogget ewe #130 so I’ll revise the records accordingly.

Karola put the sheep under the big oak for the afternoon and they grazed it down nicely – although, as usual, they left somewhat of a mess behind.

Next door have been burning some old poplar branches and rubbish along their back boundary and it spread along the fence line into Karola’s orchard but as far as I can see although some flax bushes were singed the fence is unscathed. There’s a disused 100mm alkathene pipe running along the top of the big drain on that boundary, just outside out fence – I think it used to carry water from a well along th the sheds 50 metres north – and the pipe was burning brightly so we went up in the car and doused  the flames of the end on Karola’s orchard property. Bramble didn’t like the smell.

Using the water sprinkler Henare lent us I watered the bay trees again.

Oak Avenue Weather:12℃—23℃ no rain [82.1]

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More Gardening

Karola continues her gardening – now she’s tackling the iris round the big oak. Meanwhile I took a little time off from my computer to begin filling in between the edge of the concrete and the cottage lawn – hoping eventually to have the lawn come right up to the concrete without weeds.

The Copes from next door (Frank Haywood’s daughter and family) came to see lambs mid afternoon, and Henare swung by to drop off his water sprinkler he’s lending us for a while.

At 10:30pm Johnny Lowry and a couple of friends came asking permission to look for possums to shoot – at least I think it was Johnny – the same young man came after possums a few months ago. They looked but I’m pretty sure they didn’t find any.

Oak Avenue Weather:7℃—22℃ no rain [81.7]

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Subaru Facial

SwimGym then Karola spent the day in the garden and I upstairs on computer.

Karola called up a young woman who mended small cracks in her Subaru windscreen a couple of years ago and she came round to attend to a couple more that had become obvious to us over the past few months. It turned out that these were old cracks that she’d fixed before – cracks that were old when she mended them and apparently if the cracks are old when mended the mend gradually lifts and needs to be redone. She pointed out a couple of other chips that had been mended – so well that we hadn’t even noticed them. The young woman also cleaned the Subaru headlights making a significant improvement over my efforts of a few months ago.

Then for lunch we went into Hastings and had a meal at Taste before a quick bit of shopping and back to continue on the gardening and computering.

Oak Avenue Weather:7℃—25℃ no rain [81.8]

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More Days Like This, Please

Relaxing day – mainly inside on computer but with regular forays out into the glorious sunshine. Paddocks of waving grass seed heads with sheep traipsing through are a delight.

The ram is in the Island paddock; previously he had ewe #699’s twin lambs to keep him company but today I put them back with the flock and the grumpy old ram can fend for himself.

A really really nice email came in from Anna a few minutes ago. She is busy at home and at work. She’s been promoted to “Director of Trade Marks” at Olswang and I too am delighted.

Wildebeast On The Move

Oak Avenue Weather:9℃—21℃ no rain [81.7]

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Jury Duty Discharged


Then attended Napier courthouse again, this time to be selected for the jury pool but then not selected for the 12-person jury. Sounds like that trial will go on for a couple of days but I am finished and free.

Karola went to a Christmas dinner for her Federation of Graduate Women group and so I went in her place with Bramble to the penultimate meeting of the dog training course.

Oak Avenue Weather:7℃—20℃ no rain [82.1]

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(10)66 And All That

Off to jury duty in Napier and again I was not selected at random for the 35 jurors du jour out of the 60-odd people who came to the courthouse. I have to go back again tomorrow.

Garden Groom came and mowed the lawns, including the cottage lawn, so that it’d be pleasant for our birthday meal this evening. Garden Groom (Shane Hay) showed us his brand new mower, pictured below – a Walker costing $20,000.

Otherwise a quiet day and a very nice roast lamb meal with Noel and Jenny Hendery in the evening.

After dinner we played Sequence, the board game Anna brought us out from England last Christmas. Two-all draw.

Garden Groom’s New Mower

Oak Avenue Weather:6℃—21℃ no rain [82.0]

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Damson Is Fruiting Up Nicely

SwimGym then rush off to begin Jury Duty in Napier. I arrived right on time and sat through the Jury Duty education DVD along with maybe 60 other people. Then 35 people were selected at random to be jurors for the cases today and, missing the ballot, I was free to go. Karola brought me in and then picked me up and we took Bramble for a walk along the Napier foreshore before shopping for food at Hoehepa (organic Demeter farm) and New World.

Henare dropped in for morning tea and described some of his incidents while “minding the store” for us over the weekend. A lamb jumped the fence into the plantation and was hard to get out. He and Scott could only ccount 39 lambs despite several recounts. The cat reappeared but meantime another cat seemed to have fouled the sun porch.

After lunch I put up a U-shaped electric fence round the beast part of the front paddock – the potential hay field. We then drafted out the youngest lambs and their mothers, and the triplet families, and set them free in the perimeter grazing surrounding the hay. We also drafted out the ram and the oldest lambs and popped them in the Island paddock. The rest of the ewes and lambs now have all the Totara paddock and all of the Middle paddock and the goose paddock but as the absence of rain continues even that isn’t a lot of tucker.

Photo shows the Damson fruit tree given to us by Gill has lots of fruit emerging.

Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—19℃ no rain [82.0]

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Return From Wellington

Karola took Bramble for a long walk over the hill and along the beach at Days Bay before we joined Bridget and family for brunch at Chocolate Dayz restaurant.

After brunch Karola and I went in to see Mary and Karola cooked a light meal.

Mid afternoon we set off back to Hastings via the Wairarapa. All seemed in order when we got home, fairly exhausted.

My friend Dave would quite like his kite back. Well, it’s in here somewhere – Bramble just needs to keep digging.

It’s In Here Somewhere

Oak Avenue Weather:7℃—19℃ no rain [?]

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Babysitting The Grand-Daughters

The day started with a good walk over the hill with Bramble then a breakfast at the Pavilion with Felicity, Geoff, Gwen, Bolker, and Miriam – and Miriam’s unborn sibling.

We went to see Mary in the afternoon taking wit us the photo she’d requested plus a couple of other ones – Karola had framed them nicely so they went straight up on the wall.

Late afternoon we went back from Karori to Khandallah where Bramble had another walk in the park and Karola cooked dinner for the grand daughters. We babysat for Bridget and Chris and they went to a movie but were home again by 11:00pm.< Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—21℃ no rain [?]

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Off To Wellington

SwimGym then home to pack and then off to Wellington via Hastings where we picked up the week’s bread and other food. We got down to Wellington before 5:00pm, taking the Western coastal road which was pretty quiet going in our direction as most of the traffic was intent on leaving the big city.

Bridget made us a delicious meal of Tarakihi fish pie after which we drove over to Days Bay, lit the fire, and had a relaxing evening.

Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—21℃ 0.2mm rain [82.0]

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Answer To The Universe And Everything – Yeah Right

Bramble was most insistent we got up before 7:00am; she began insisting around 6:30am. It was a cracking morning with sun streaming into the kitchen and dining room.

Karola decided today was the day to put Magnum on the older ewes – we did the young ewes a few days ago. This is applied in strips down their backs and around the bottom with a blue liquid that deters the blowflys which cause the really horrible fly-strike. There wasn’t a lot of Magnum left so we decided to do the ewes first and consider doing the lambs if there was enough left over.

So we got them into the yards, see below, all 24 ewes and the ram and their 41 lambs. Hence the reference in the title – we almost had 42 live ones. In fact if you count the unexpected lambs from the maiden hoggets we have 49 live lambs here right now.

As I put the Magnum on the ewes we tried to check off all the lambs from their tags with limited success. It only took us 90 minutes in the morning to do the pour-on and count the lambs but our tally was four lambs short. Consternation. Had they been stolen for barbeque; were they hiding; could we count? I checked that there were no spare lambs with the hogget ewes; no they only had their eight. Were there any lambs hiding in the Orchard paddock or Island paddock; no, nothing.

Did they ever exist – yes they darn well did; I have yet to make up fictitious births just to use up the expensive button ear-tags I’ve bought. In fact I’d only bought 40 tags this year and a few blanks so the last few lambs of this lot had hand written tags. We tried counting the lambs in the paddock but this proved impossible: they kept moving around and they’re almost as big as the smaller ewes so easily confused, and they hide away behind trees and thickets. I got counts between 35 and 41, never the same twice. Karola was not best pleased with our tallying.

Late afternoon, as the consternation levels were still running high, I sallied out again and yarded them all up again and this time we put Magnum (withholding for meat, zero days) on the lambs – it just lasted the course – and we counted them very carefully and made sure we got the numbers right. We got them right. For good measure we replaced the tags on the three lambs who had torn theirs out and are confident that we’ve matched them up with the right Mums.

All is back to normal now; sheep safe from fly strike for about six weeks and all accounted for.

Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—20℃ 0.4mm rain [80.9]

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Ecliptical Day

SwimGym then another quiet day. A heavy blanket of cloud over Hastings prevented any sighting of partial eclipse although Karola is sure it suddenly got a lot colder when the eclipse was in progress.

Haircut and shopping briefly for me in the morning.

A man and his lady friend called in just as we were leaving for Dog Training class wanting to photograph the big oak tree that he worked on many months ago as part of HB Tree Surgeons – after the last big branch fell down. Same time as Dave Mitchell’s kite was retrieved from the top of the Liriodendron tree.

Bramble was good, but not outstanding, at class today.

Oak Avenue Weather:3℃—21℃ no rain [82.0]

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Rain, Gentle Rain

Rain, gentle rain for over 24 hours. Just what’s needed. Sun is forecast to return tomorrow though.

I had a most enjoyable day on computer – I find it’s more fun than Sudoku by far. Karola spent the morning in the homestead and the afternoon out and about.

Henere and Scott returned a small booklet to Karola and stayed for a cup of tea late afternoon.

Oak Avenue Weather:9℃—12℃ 6.2mm rain [81.4]

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Photos To The Edge

SwimGym then a relaxing day.

Karola had an eye check midday and did some shopping, including haring all over the place looking for picture frames and mounts for the couple of family shots we gleaned from the photo shoot last Christmas.

My replacement battery for the elderly (everything’s relative) Macbook Pro 17″ laptop arrived today and with it some of the latest Apple earphones as they’re supposed to be a big improvement for the price and my current Sony earphones are the clunkiest in the gym – and beginning to fall apart.

We posted photos to Poland and to Anna late afternoon.

There’s a bit of very welcome rain; I’m hoping it carries on all night.

Pure Texel Bloodlines – 10 Nov 12

Eve 2009 2010 2011 2012
671 003 144 145
672 904 106 107
673 946
675 006 007 116
676 915 014 died
677 911 912 died
678 sold
679 917 023 114
904 died
911 155 209
917 149 218
003 213
116 249

Full adult flock

  • texel ram 106
  • 604, 613, 616, 699 (legacy ewe)
  • 704, 705, 717
  • 906, 911, 915, 917, 919, 922, 923, 928, 933, 934, 946
  • 003, 007, 009, 019, 040, 043
  • 101, 108, 111, 113, 116, 121, 128, 130, 133, 150, 152, 160


Oak Avenue Weather:8℃—22℃ 6.1mm rain [81.4]

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Karola Furiously Filing

Busy day, especially for Karola setting up her homestead garage office – now she’s at the stage of sorting out her filing.

Meanwhile I did the usual Sunday things: bills etc and glued up some loose woodwork on two chairs, put the cottage gate latch on – Karola wanted one of those old fashioned gate latches common when we were growing up – and it is done. Assembled a small folding workbench – like a Black & Decker Workmate – for the cottage garage.

Moved the electric fence between the Totara paddock and the Middle paddock so that the main flock in the Totara paddock had an extra 50m x 100m swathe of grass. Shut the gate to keep them out of the Orchard paddock to give it a spell. No rain so far even though it’s forecast, and we’re getting very dry. Cut more thistles in the Front paddock although the grass is so dry and stalky that I fear it will not be worth making into hay.

Oak Avenue Weather:10℃—22℃ no rain [81.3]

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Ewe Hogget Lambs Docked

Sunshine in the kitchen for breakfast. Karola continued her setting up of her office in the homestead garage. I ploughed on with my programming.

However, before that we docked and tagged the final eight lambs. The 12 ewe hoggets are together in the Middle paddock and so we brought them all in and gave them, but not their lambs, some mite powder in their ears and Magnum anti-flystrike on their backs. Withholding period for meat for Magnum is zero days; as Kaz told us, it’s one of the less chemically harmful pour-ons for flystrike – that’s why he recommended it.

Oak Avenue Weather:6℃—20℃ no rain [81.2]

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Another Friday

SwimGym then my quarterly regular diabetes medical check: 120/70 etc – all’s well.

Glorious sunny cool day.

Shopping in the morning; relaxing in the afternoon. Karola was organising files and furniture in her Office in the homestead garage.

Another lamb with its head stuck in the netting. Bramble and I released it while on our evening walk.

Oak Avenue Weather:3℃—18℃ no rain [81.1]

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More Books Gifted To Charity

Marjory and Brian Cobbe arrived, as planned, for morning tea.

After lunch Jenny Hendery came, as planned, for the afternoon, joined mid afternoon by husband Noel.

I sorted out several dozen books that I know I’ll never get round to reading and we took them to the Lions book fair drop-off point in Hastings – their six-monthly book fair for charity is in a few days time. Most of them were technical books, at least partly out of date and superseded by material on the Internet. The rest were mainly popular scientific or similar books with catchy themes. A wiser person would never have bought any of them in the first place.

Oak Avenue Weather:3℃—16℃ no rain [81.2]

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Dog Class 5/8


Karola then had to nip off hurriedly for a haircut and some shopping. Meanwhile I worked upstairs on computer projects.

In the afternoon Karola mended the wheel on one of the wheel barrows.

Later we went to Karola and Bramble’s dog class – the fifth of eight.

Oak Avenue Weather:3℃—16℃ no rain [81.3]

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Done Doing Gates For A While

Karola and I completed hanging the four garden gates this morning.

Shane Hay (Garden Groom) came late morning and mulch-mowed the lawns.

Strange day with bursts of sun and very light intermittent showers, and quite cold wind. Sheep all OK desapite the drop in temperature after being shorn.

At last I got round to setting up the special TV remote facility whereby we can switch channles etc on either the Sky or the Dish Freeview remote in the cottage from any room in the house. We have the same thing working between floors in the homestead for the Freeview Digital set top box over there.

The Four Garden Gates

Oak Avenue Weather:2℃—15℃ no rain [80.8]

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Shearing Day

SwimGym, and we were late today. Bramble is sleeping in too instead of waking us with her cold nose.

Then we got ready for shearing. That was all done by 2:30pm. The 12 ewe hoggets went into the Middle paddock, the rest, including the legacy ewe #699 and the ram, went into the One Acre and Orchard paddocks. 36 ewes and one ram were shorn efficiently and carefully by Gavin.

The 42 docked lambs (not the 8 lambs from the ewe hoggets) were drenched with CombiTape for worms including tapeworm. (Withholding period for meat, 10 days). During the proceedings the sickly little lamb #230R died and I buried it.

In the photo below you see the mobile shearing truck and a few shorn sheep while the rest wait their turn patiently in the yards. The new cottage gate is in the foreground.

UNFORTUNATELY Bramble’s immediate attempt to follow me out to the shearing by climbing the new gate – EXPLICITLY INTENDED TO KEEP HER IN – was successful, “with one bound she was free”. Sadly, as the new gate has vertical pickets instead of horizontal rails, and is taller than the railing fence, it means that Bramble only stays inside the cottage garden out of politeness – or more likely, wanting to be near her pack leaders. She could climb over the railings at any point. Ah well. Our modified master plan is to feed her so well that she is too heavy to make the athletic leap and scrabbling that is the hallmark of her current escapes.

Oak Avenue Weather:8℃—20℃ 2.2mm rain [80.8]

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Gateway To Heaven

Beautiful sunny day to begin with and slowly changed to welcome gentle rain late afternoon, but cold.

As well as the usual Sunday tasks we planned to continue with putting up gates near the cottage. The garden gate into the Totara paddock is complete except for its latch which I expect late next week. We found that the gate from the cottage garden to the drive really needed to be hung swinging in to the left with the front of the gate facing the driveway. Another gate was constructed to suit this arrangement and it is ready to hang. Meanwhile we hung one of the gates made yesterday as the garden gate between the Totara paddock and the homestead lawn – well one of them as there are two. So, in total four gates have been made and two have been hung. Karola says their design complements the railings very well.

Bruce Richardson rang to say he expects his team to come and shear the sheep tomorrow late morning.

Oak Avenue Weather:2℃—18℃ 3.7mm rain [81.2]

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Fence Battened Down

Henere came and he and Karola put old totara battens on the new 7-wire fence Henere put up last weekend – It certainly is an improvement over the netting fence – even though that was very tidy for a netting fence.

Karola decided that she’d prefer a different type of gate on the cottage railing fence leading west to the big shed. Instead of a farm-like gate, wider than the gap and hung on mini-gudgeons and fastened with a gooseneck latch, Karola prefers a gate that sits in the line of the fence – inside the gap – with hinges and a normal old-style garden gate latch. The latch is now on order and the gate has been made, to the same pattern of seven uprights, but hung within the gap and fastening against a slender slam plank. We hung this new gate tonight and it does look good.

Somewhat worrying, seeing as my frustration at Bramble scrambling over the temporary gate and chasing the lambs was what sparked me into putting up the permanent garden gates for the cottage, is that Bramble was testing herself against the new gate even as we installed it. We were trying to get it level and centred while she flung herself at it, gauging whether or not this’d be an easy up-and-over. We’ll soon know, I’m sure.

After Karola and Henere finished the battens we had lunch and after that Henere helped me cut the planks for the new gate (above) and then spent a couple of hours on levelling and smoothing the Bay Tree planting area. He decided not to go diving because the forecast was for rain but although it’s become colder we got hardly a drop.

Oak Avenue Weather:6℃—24℃ no rain [81.3]

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Another Day, Another Lamb


Karola did the shopping while I got a bit more wood from Goldpine. Later Karola continued her gardening in the Front paddock along the road boundary. Her foot is much less of a problem than expected, thank goodness.

Ewe #152 had a small lamb #253 under the oak tree in the Totara paddock.

Early evening Henere called round for a chat and helped with moving some planks down to the fencing dump and out of the sun. If the sun shiines tomorrow he’ll be going diving, otherwise he’ll come round and do the battens on the fence he put up last weekend.

Bramble got a bit mucky round the rear end – maybe she sat on sheep manure, maybe some fresh bones didn’t agree with her – so we gave her a wash and brush. She was not thrilled.

Oak Avenue Weather:12℃—25℃ no rain [81.3]

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Rimu Table Ready Already

Another nice day. I built two small cottage gates from the boards Karola and I cut yesterday; they are now ready for the hinges and installation.

Cedarville Joinery rang to say that the round rimu table, possibly made by Karola’s dad, had been glued and stripped as per Karola’s instructions so we went mid-afternoon to pick it up.

Oak Avenue Weather:8℃—21℃ no rain [81.0]

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