To disable automatic grouping of duplicate messages,

To disable automatic grouping of duplicate messages, quit Mail then run this command in Terminal:


     defaults write AlwaysShowDuplicates -bool true


To revert to the default setting, run this command:


     defaults write AlwaysShowDuplicates -bool false


or simply delete the setting altogether with this command:


     defaults delete AlwaysShowDuplicates


If you want to see how Mail behaves with this setting enabled, but without modifying your preference file, start Mail from Terminal with this command:


     /Applications/ -AlwaysShowDuplicates YES

About Ian

I am a New Zealand and EC citizen, living and working in Hastings in the North Island of New Zealand. On March 5th in 2004 I retired from exactly 30 years with IBM UK Ltd, working in the Hursley software development lab near Winchester in the south of England. I am now an IBM Distinguished Engineer emeritus, working to my own agenda while retaining access to my colleagues and information inside IBM.
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